The Essential of Ageing in Place in Thailand


  • Napaphat Satchanawakul Mahidol University
  • Pramote Prasartkul Mahidol University


Population ageing, Ageing in place, Housing, Community care, Thailand


Thailand is about to become a complete aged society by 2022, with the population aged 60 years and over accounts for 20 per cent of the total population. It is projected that, in the next 10 years, Thailand will step into a super-aged society where the population aged 60 years and over accounts for 28 percent of the total population. The key challenges posed by population ageing are income security, long-term care and housing for an ageing population. This article thus intends to point out why Thailand needs to adopt the concept of ageing in place as the main direction in guiding the design of policies on housing and caring for older persons, instead of focusing on institutional-based living.  In addition, this article attempts to point out key elements that will make the concept of ageing in place possible and successful in Thai society: (1) place, (2) support network, and (3) individual. Such services shall be integrated and tailored to the demands of each community by taking different characteristics of older persons ( e. g. , age group, sex, living arrangement, dependency level and economic status) into account.


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