The Potential Development of Hand-Woven Silk Community Tourism Management in Sawai Subdistrict, Mueang-Surin District, Surin Province


  • Siwaporn Phayakkanant Surindra Rajabhat University
  • Akkharadet Suphannafai Surindra Rajabhat University
  • Phannika Kongjuk Surindra Rajabhat University
  • Phutthiphong Rabchan Surindra Rajabhat University
  • Aphaphorn Boonprasop Surindra Rajabhat University
  • Rujiret Rungsawang Surindra Rajabhat University


Tourism management potential, A hand-woven silk community, Community tourism


The objectives of this mixed-method research were: 1) to study the potential and success of handwoven silk community tourism management 2) to study the relationship and influence between the community management potential and the success of hand-woven silk community tourism management and 3) to study guidelines for the potential development of hand-woven silk community tourism management. in Sawai subdistrict, Mueang-Surin district, Surin province; Data were collected from people involved in handwoven silk community tourism management through questionnaire, interviewing form, and focused-group discussion.
The results found that the potential of a community tourism management and the tourism management potential is at a high level in general. Creating awareness of the value of hand-woven silk, information management for tourist serving and personnel potential were a high degree of relationship with the success of community tourism management. In terms of tourism attraction was a moderate correlation and found that the potential of hand-woven silk community tourism management and creating awareness of the value of hand-woven silk affecting the success of tourism management for the hand-woven silk community, Sawai Subdistrict, Mueang Surin District Surin.
According to guidelines for the potential development of hand-woven silk community tourism management at Sawai subdistrict, it is recommended to focus on the organization of tourism that demonstrates the uniqueness of the area. In addition, several tourism personnel should be increased and trained to have skills to pass on knowledge and values about silk weaving activities. This is aimed to promote and market the tourism through various public relation channels and encouraged communities to participate in a conservation of weavers' way of life and the wisdom of hand-woven silk.


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