Rethinking Uncertainty and Risk in Modern Society


  • Pinkaew Laungaramsri Chiang Mai University


Uncertainty, Risk, Epistemology, Modern society, Technology of governing


This article traces the historical development of the notion “uncertainty” both from the epistemological and conceptual perspectives. The author argues that as an epistemology, the notion of uncertainty challenges the claim towards “Truth" and “Knowability" fundamental to the construction of knowledge and the state of being in the world. Wittgenstein’s “On Certainty” suggested the dialectical relationship between certainty and uncertainty within which truth and new knowledge are always born out of uncertainty. As a concept, uncertainty has been used by sociologists such as Giddens and Beck to problematize the notion of risk often perceived as a calculable object and a means to govern future in modern society. Anthropological studies of uncertainty have also unraveled the complex dimensions of uncertainty that involve power relations and diverse experiences differentiated by class, gender, ethnicity, and social status. Rethinking uncertainty and risk has also problematized the idea of modernity and allowed uncertainty to take part in constituting opportunities and future of life in modern society that is not necessarily always anticipatable.


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How to Cite

Laungaramsri, P. (2021). Rethinking Uncertainty and Risk in Modern Society. Thammasat Journal, 40(3), 1–32. Retrieved from


