A Systematic Review: Art Activities for Tourism in the 21st Century


  • Suchart Imsamraan Chulalongkorn University
  • Soamshine Boonyananta Chulalongkorn University


Art activities, Art Education, Tourism, 21st CENTURY


The aim of this systematic review was to review and synthesize information and relationships in art activities in tourism in the 21st century. By studying the research articles in both national and international journals. The research articles were used in this study according to criteria from the database of the ThaiLis, Thaijo, Scopus, Proquest, Springer, Science Direct, Academic Search Ultimate, Google Scholar, ACM Digital Library, Base, Food Science Source, Google Scholar, and Taylor. The following are the selection criteria: 1) Published between 2017 – 2021 2) Search using these keywords: art activities, art learning, activities for tourism, art education 3) The target groups are tourists, children, youth and the elderly.
The results of the synthesis of 19 research articles and research reports found that 1) can be divided into three categories based on the research type: 2 experimental research, 12 qualitative research, and 5 development Research. If divided according to the content of the research consists of 10 art activities, 5 tourism activities, and 4 art education activities in tourism. 2) Art activities can be studied in the context of tourism. Because the objectives, sample group, research scope, activity type, and methodology are all related. As a result, research studies on Art activities in tourism in the twenty-first century. The objectives, methodology, activity context, and research scope must all be explicitly defined by the researcher.


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