Study of Amazing Cladophora, a Local Food Creating a Good Society of Tai Lue Ethnic Group in Nan Province


  • Wassana Chakkaew Suan Dusit University
  • Sureeporn Thunyakit Suan Dusit University
  • Saowaluk Kunjina Suan Dusit University
  • Thitiworrada Yaisumlee Suan Dusit University
  • Anong Jainan Suan Dusit University


Cladophora, Northern Food, Tai Lue, Quality of life


This research aims to study the health benefits of eating Cladophora, Thai Lue traditional food, and to analyze the community relationship system and the impacts of Cladophora in Nan province. This research is qualitative research. The target area for data collection was Baan Nong Bua, Pa Kha Sub-district, Tha Wang Pha District, Nan Province. The target groups used in this
research consisted of Tai Lue local wisdom villagers, local wisdom teachers, committees of the community, committees of community enterprise, nutritionists, community representatives, and local scholars with a total of 45 participants. The instruments used in the research were in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and descriptive data analysis.
The results indicated as following:
1. Health benefits of Cladophora as a substitute which is a sort of freshwater seaweed provides a high amount of protein similar to the protein source in meat, a high amount of betacarotene four times higher than carrots, vitamins B1, B2, and B12, iron and calcium as well as high dietary fiber.
2. The impact of the relationship between the local food system and the Tai Lue community found that the Tai Lue community gives importance to its family, community, and society. Every member of the village value the Kam Muang tradition, which is the feast and praying for the holy things of the community to protect and bless all of Tai Lue descendants leading to love and unity in the community. For this reason, the community is considered a peaceful and happy community and still continues to preserve ancestral cultural traditions for the generations.


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