The Strengthening Strategy of Thailand’s Only Curriculum Towards Green Growth and Low-Carbon Society
strengthening, forestry curriculum, green growth, low carbon societyAbstract
The forestry curriculum is the only program that has produced a bachelor's degree in forestry for society. Given the rapidly changing environment and the need for graduates of the country's forestry and natural resources organization, this study was conducted to determine a strategy to strengthen the only curriculum in forestry that responds to green growth and a low-carbon society. The study employed survey research combined with value chain analysis of the forestry curriculum, along with an analysis of the environment using the DPSIR framework (Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Responses). The study also use tools of learning through action with appropriate techniques.
The strengthening strategy of Thailand’s only curriculum towards green growth and low-carbon society consists of curriculum development in line with the national strategies and external forces, integration of the curriculum with the ecosystem service concept, enhancing skills through various learning resources, creating opportunities for interdisciplinary knowledge and experience, the paradigm shift in working with social networks, creating a job opportunity according to graduate characteristics, and encouraging pride and commitment to educational institutions.
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