Opinions of Judges and Public Prosecutors on Medico-Legal Reports, Medical Certificates and Medical Expert Opinion


  • Pairoa Praihirunkit Thammasat University
  • Pakwalan Banthakit Thammasat University
  • Duangnate Pipatsatitpong Thammasat University


judges, public prosecutors, medical report, medico-legal report, medical witness


A clear, unambiguous medical report can serve as valuable evidence in court. However, law enforcement officers who use medical reports, such as judges and public prosecutors, have a limited understanding of medical information and related terminology. This research aims to study the opinions of judges and public prosecutors on medico-legal reports, medical certificates and medical expert opinions. The goal is to propose guidelines for developing the knowledge of judges and public prosecutors and for improving the development of medical expert witness examination. The present research surveyed the opinions of 100 judges and 100 public prosecutors, totaling 200 participants, using a questionnaire with a Likert scale of 1-5. Both groups agreed that autopsy reports should contain words describing specific causes of death. Wound examination reports should convey the severity and circumstances of crimes. Sexual trauma examination reports should include written commentary on evidence of abuse and the purpose of the acid phosphatase determination. Regarding age reports, judges consider them very valuable, while public prosecutors consider them less valuable, possibly because judges must consider age as an important factor in determining sentences. In addition, judges and public prosecutors suggested improvements for the use medico-legal reports, medical certificates, and medical expert opinions. These suggestions could help guide judges and public prosecutors in making more efficient use of medical documents.


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