Safe zone : Barrier to Developmental Potentiality of a Child with Multiple Disabilities

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ทรงกลด จารุนนทรากุล
รัชนีกร ทองสุขดี


Turning to make coffee plantations of community members in Doi Chang Subdistrict and Wawee Subdistrict, Mae Suay District, Chiang Rai Province has created good stability for the local economy and also helps members comprising of 8 hill tribes, able to build a large family together as a primary source in the safe zone. On the other hands, the stability also caused regression in  developing potentialities of multiple disabilities children (MD) even when combined with over-protecting behavior (Overprotective) which can be counted as one of the major obstacles to the hard work of families with MD children, volunteers and related government agencies that are committed to improving the lives of people with disabilities in this community. The reduction of such obstacles is therefore to create a positive attitude of parents on the potential of MD children and to recognize their role in creating an environment that influences the achievement motivation (Achievement Motive) which will help make MD children able to develop themselves to their full potential in the end.

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How to Cite
จารุนนทรากุล ท., & ทองสุขดี ร. . (2019). Safe zone : Barrier to Developmental Potentiality of a Child with Multiple Disabilities. Sikkhana, 6(7), 1–15. Retrieved from
Original Articles


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