Homestay Culture: Developing Model of Management Tourism by Community Wang Nam Khiao District Nakhon Ratchasima Province
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Homestay is a community tourism in local area The tourism resources such as waterfalls, mountains, local cultures including community’s ways of life involved in the conservation management of resources for the sustainability of the community. This research aimed to study: 1) background of the management of homestay tourism, 2) current conditions and issues on the management of homestay tourism and 3)
the development of homestay culture model by the community. The research was conducted in the areas of 3 sub-districts in Wang Nam Khiao District, Nakhon Ratchasima. Data was collected through documents and field trip study-survey, observations, interviews and focus group discussion. Data was given by 120 people and analyzed by triangulation technique. Results were presented with descriptive analysis. The results showed that backgrounds of homestay in the area since 2546 are relevant to people who own tourism resources in the community. In addition, the ways of life represent the simple and safe society which focuses on the living due to the philosophy of sufficiency economy and natural based tourism. The 3 selected homestays have the issues on public utility, environment and transportation. Homestay tourism in these areas should be promoted by local governments in the same direction. Way to develop the potential for eco cultural-tourism homestay should focus on the improvement of landscapes around the areas, water supply system, electricity system, toilets, buildings, accommodations and tourist information signs. To give tourist information is also important because it can facilitate visitors to exploit the areas appropriately.
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