Structural and Elemental Analysis of Thai Postures Used for Panjoelmamuad Ceremony in South Eastern of Thailand

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กีรติ เปาริสาร


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the historical background of Panjoelmamuad Ceremony, 2) the element and structure of Thai Posture using in ceremony in South Eastern of Thailand. 3) The research methodology was qualitative research by Qualitative Study. The samples were selected by Purposive Sampling including 5 Panjoelmamuad Teachers, 12 ceremony participants, 6 music players, and 5 academics, total of 33 persons. The research has occurred in November 2016 to February 2017. The research instrument was the Interview Form and observation Form . The research findings found that: 1) Panjoelmamuad Ceremony was performed from an ancient age as the sacred ceremony that could not specify the duration which age it was occurred, 2) there were 11 steps which could be classified into 2 elements: the Person, and the Ceremony, 3) there were total of 64 postures, being classified into 5 structures including : 1) the structural pattern of Thai posture for inviting one’s soul concluded total of 8 Thai Postures, 2) the structural pattern of Thai posture for dressing, concluded total of 3 Thai postures, 3) the structural pattern of Thai posture for using the weapon, concluded total of 16 Thai postures, 4) the structural pattern of Thai postures based on meaning of song as well as rhythm of song, concluded total of 30 Thai postures, and 5) the structural pattern of Thai posture for inviting the powerful soul to get rid of various evils to be dismissed.

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Author Biography

กีรติ เปาริสาร, Graduate Student of Master of Fine Arts in Thai Dancing Arts, Bunditpatanasilpa Institute

Graduate Student of Master of Fine Arts in Thai Dancing Arts, Bunditpatanasilpa Institute



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