Marketing Strategies for Local Cloth Shop Business in the Northeast

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ธัญญธร ศรีวิเชียร


The objective of this research was to develop and validate the structural congruence between the structural equation model and the empirical data of service marketing strategies for the local textiles business in the Northeast. The population consisted of the customers of Northeastern local cloth shop by using random simple sampling for 30 percents of provinces in the Northeast and purposive sampling for 600 customers from 6 provinces (100 customers each) The research instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire. The findings of the study were as follows:1) Most respondents were female; 47.90 %. The age was between 31-40; 44.50 %. Education level in bachelor degree was 83.20 %. Marital status in married was 60.50 %. Civil servants were 89.70 %. Their incomes were between 20,001 - 25,000 baht; 77.80 %. 2) The findings of studying behavior of local cloth shop service revealed that the customers had serviced there in average 1-5 times per month, it was 81.50 %. And Most of them visited there on Saturday and Sunday, it was 81.50 %. Actually, most of the customers came to the local cloth shop for two or three persons in each time, it was 84.00 %. Their reasons turned to use local clothes because they personally loved it. 3) The importance of the marketing strategy for a local business that provides customers the most important factor of all. 4) The results of Confirmatory Factor Analysis is consistent with empirical data; consumer behavior, marketing strategy.

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ธัญญธร ศรีวิเชียร, Lecturer in Master of Science in Accounting Faculty of Accounting and Management Mahasarakam University

Lecturer in Master of Science in Accounting Faculty of Accounting and Management

Mahasarakam University


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