The Development of Science and Technology Unit Instructional Package by Using TASC Problem Solving Wheel for Improving Speaking and Problem Solving Skills for Matthayomsuksa 6 Students
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The purposes of this research were to 1) develop science and technology unit Instructional package by using TASC problem solving wheel for improving speaking and problem solving skills for Matthayomsuksa 6 students 2) to study based on science and technology unit instructional package efficiency of 75/75 3) to study effectiveness indices based on science and technology unit instructional package. A sample group of 32 Matthayomsuksa 6, Kantarawichai School, Mahasarakham. They were selected by cluster random sampling. The research design was a research and development. The tools used in the study were the science and technology unit Instructional package by using TASC problem solving wheel, the pre and post test, evaluation of speaking skills and evaluation of problem solving skills. Statistics values were means, percentage, standard deviation, discrimination, the efficiency, the effectiveness index. The results were as follows: 1) Instructional packages had 5 lessons plans, 5 hours for each, Lesson Plan 1 Acid and Alkaline Cleaning, Lesson Plan 2 Water and Mineral Transport, Lesson Plan 3 Food and Nutrients, Lesson Plan 4 Balance and Lesson Plan 5 Electricity Circuit 2) The science and technology unit instructional package had an efficiency of 78.71/80.52 3) The effectiveness indices based on instructional package was 0.72. It showed that the students’ learning progress was at 72.66.
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