The Development of Problem Solving Skills and Learning Achievement in History Subject Soc22106 Social Studies through Problem-based Learning Instruction with Community Learning Resources Under The Stem Education Concept for Grade 8 Students

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ชญานนท์ คันทมาตย์
มณฑา ชุ่มสุคนธ์


The objectives of this research were: 1) to develop problem solving skills and 2) to develop learning achievement in History Subject Soc22106 Social Studies through problem-based learning instruction with community learning resources under the stem education concept for Grade 8 students. There were at least 75% of the students who passed the prescribed criterion of 75% out of total score. The target group comprised 22 students of grade 8, Rajabhat Roi-et University Demonstration school, studying in the second semester of the 2016 academic year. The research methodology was action research. The research tools were as follow: lesson plan through problem-based learning instruction with community learning resources under the stem education concept, teachers’ teaching behavior observation form, students’ learning behavior observation form, interview form, problem solving skills form, tests of each operational cycle, problem solving skills test and a learning achievement test. The statistic used percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results of the research were as follow; 1. For the problem solving skills, found that 17 students could pass the criterion which was 77.27% out of 22 students. Students had problem solving skills on the average score of 23.73 out of 30 which was 79.09%, revealed higher than the specified criterion. 2. For the learning achievement, found that 19 students could pass the criterion which was 86.36% out of 22 students. Students had learning achievement on the average score of 31.45 out of 40 which was 78.64%, revealed higher than the specified criterion.

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