The Development of Listening and Speaking of Performance and Satisfaction Grade Five Students Taught Through a Computer Assisted Program Based on the Natural Approach

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พิมพ์ทิพย์ ดวงจิตร
เสาวลักษณ์ รัตนวิชช์


The Development of Listening and Speaking of Performance and Satisfaction Grade Five Students Taught Through a Computer Assisted Program Based on the Natural Approach. The sample consisted of one classroom with thirty-three boys and girls studying in Grade five in the first semester of the 2016 academic year at Wat Intharawihan School, Pranakorn District Office, Bangkok by Purposive sampling. The One-Group Time Series Design was used in the study. The researcher proposed as the main content in Ministry of Education. The instruments used in this esearch were as follow: 1) Learning management plans and computer assisted program based on the natural approach; 2) English listening-speaking performance test and 3) a questionnaire based on the satisfaction of students taught through this approach. An ANOVA with repeated measures was used to analyze the English listening and speaking skill of the students performance in each phase of the experiment. Basic statistics (Mean, Standard, and Deviation) and also questionnaires on student satisfaction were also used for data analysis. The results revealed that the students increased their English listening and  speaking performance higher than before the experiment, making comparisons with sub-experiments during the experiment with a statistical significance at 0.01 Students who were taught through this approach had overall satisfaction at a high level.

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