Quality of Work Life of Angthong Governer’s Officer

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ปาจรีย์ รัตนเกื้อกูลกิจ
เชิงชาญ จงสมชัย


Quality of life in the work is extremely important in working. The most of people must enter to working systems in order to live on and respond to basic needs. Quality of life in the work studying aims to study Quality of work life of Angthong Governer’s civil servant level and suggestions to improve their own quality of life in the work, by following Walton’s idea which compound 8 of quality of life in the work. The population in this study included 50 staff in Angthong Provincial Office By studied throughout staff of the office through questionnaire forms and interview forms to find out the result by statistics of frequency, percentage, average and standard deviation. The results were as follows: 8 Dimention about the quality of life in the work of the Office of the offense is at a high level (x=3.63), when consider a list of aspects found 7 comments on many levels and 1 in medium. On average sort of descending order of three are the advantage and social responsibility (x=3.73), the opportunity to develop their knowledge & skills (x=3.72) and hygiene & safety environmental equal with democracy in office (x=3.69). The medium level is fair compensation and sufficiency (x=3.38) Angthong Governer’s Officer by conclusion there are quality of life in the work at high level.

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