Servant Leadership Developing Model of Primary Care Administrator in Northeastern, Thailand
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The objective of this research: 1) To analyze and synthesize the model of servant leadership conditions. 2) To study the conditions of servant leadership. 3) To examine the concordance between the model of servant leadership and the empirical data. 4) To create strategies and development guidelines for the conditions of servant leadership for primary public health care administrators in the northeastern region of Thailand. This paper consists of factors and data from 340 samples using multistage random sampling and the principles of statistics. Moreover, the tools used are made by the researcher accordingly to the theory. The thinking framework and definitions represent the measurement of the IOC value of 0.60-1.00, and the survey questions used for data gathering have the reliable value of 0.97. The analysis of the data is made by utilizing a statistic program. The results are as follows: If the level of servant leadership conditions is high ( = 4.36, S.D. = .529), Moreover, there is significance in the statistical value of 0.5. There is a positive relationship between the model of servant leadership conditions that has been developed and the empirical data. Considering from the value or chi-square, there is no statistical significance and according to the standard , x2/df = 4.55, CFI = 0.938, TLI = 0.918, SRMR = 0.038, RMSEA = 0.102, Pc = 0.99 = Pv = 0.96 Moreover, the Emotional Intelligence has a great influence on the conditions of servant leadership, which is equal to 0.506, In the development of servant leadership conditions, the strategy is most effective. It has the highest relationship (Mod = 4.63,
= 4.50, Median = 4.56, IR = 0.88)
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