Democratic Political Culture of Thailand

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พระครูวินัยธรจักรี  ศรีจารุเมธีญาณ


             The political culture of democracy will occur when the majority of citizens do their duty, until it has become a value of most people in the society. Examples of which are having discipline, thinking of the benefits of the whole more than the benefits of self, expressing individual criticism of government policies, conscientiously forming groups to protect social or  community  benefits,  and  gathering  to  oppose  projects  that  may adversely affect local communities. Government reform must begin by developing its people to have “the conscience of citizenship.” In fact, true conscience of citizenship must be reflected from the following: First, one must look at society from an ownership point of view. One must feel troubled by the problems of the society and nation. This includes seeing the problems of the country as one’s own that one must be involved in finding a solution. Second, belief that oneself is capable of changing things toward a better direction and that one must help in order to mitigate, fix, or change the social and national problems that occur.

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พระครูวินัยธรจักรี  ศรีจารุเมธีญาณ, Visiting Faculty in Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, Thailand, Tel.+66807506846 e-mail:

Visiting Faculty in Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, Thailand, Tel.+66807506846 e-mail:


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