Marketing Development of Cultural Tourism in Nan Province
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The purpose of this research entitled “The study of marketing development of cultural tourism in nan province” is to study; on behavior of cultural tourists in Nan province, and on market demand of cultural tourists in Nan province. Quantitative data is collected by survey method consisting of structured questions which are only targeted for cultural tourists in Nan province. Data was analyzed based on validated 400 set of questionnaires and analyzed with percentage, mean, standard deviation and one-way ANOVA method using SPSS program for Windows statistical data package. The results of the study showed that the majority of the tourist was female (54.3%), aged between 25-34 years (32.5%), having Bachelor’s degree (48.5%), married status (46.3%), and their hometown is in Northern region (46.5%). The study on behavior of cultural tourists in Nan province revealed that the objectives of cultural tourists is to appreciate the art in ancient places and for bitten places (6.3%), and also make merits (52.0%). Most of them came with their family (43.0%) and for recreation (26.0%). Preferring market demand, the study showed that the overall market demand level of tourists in Nan province were high levels toward tourist places, building and places, price, personnel, and activities.
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