Legal Measures for Supporting Transfer of Development Rights

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สุรศักดิ์ มีบัว
รชต สุระเศรณีกุล


City Planning Act B.E.2562 is the law that controls the rights of the landowners to use their lands. The control is basically a limitation and is provided by this Act. Normally, the Land Use Control imposed on each land is different based on its potential for supporting infrastructure and environmental density. To reduce the impact of the control on the landowners and also benefit them, the government must provide a compensating measure. For the compensation, the measure that is considered suitable for Bangkok is “Transfer of Development Rights” (TDR). The transfer will benefit the landowners the most as he can develop the land according to his desire and corresponding to the laws at the same time. This research has two main purposes. The first purpose is understanding the concept of transfer of development rights and the laws in other countries about such transfers and the second purpose is laying down the concept for determining the legal measures about supporting the transfers that are suitable for Thailand. The study is done through qualitative research. Additionally, there is currently no laws in Thailand efficiently supporting the transfer of development rights. Thus, it is necessary to add the legal measures for the development rights in the draft of Bangkok Regulation on Master Plan B.E. …. of the measures provided will be the rights to transfer the limit of use to another landowner for the benefit of the landowner who want to expand the use on his land more.

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สุรศักดิ์ มีบัว, Lecturer of Law Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University E-mail :

Lecturer of Law Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University

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รชต สุระเศรณีกุล, Legal Officer, Practitioner Level, Department of City Planning and Urban Development, BMA E-mail :

Legal Officer, Practitioner Level, Department of City Planning and Urban Development, BMA

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