Knowledge Management of Insurance Intermediaries in Thailand

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นพรรณพ ศิริวงศ์
ประชา ตันเสนีย์


This independent study was knowledge management of insurance intermediary in Thailand with the purposes was to 1.Study the knowledge management levels of insurance intermediary in Thailand 2.Study the difference of demographic characteristics of insurance intermediaries in Thailand. The population used in the research is the member of insurance intermediary in Thailand for a total sample of 400 persons and had been calculated by using Taro Yamane with 95% confidence level. The independent study used accidental sampling and using a questionnaire as a tool in research by statistics that were used to analyze the data, including the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).

Findings were as follows:

1. The results of study revealed that the majority of respondent were male amount 203 persons or 50.70% and the level of education was bachelor’s degree amount 238 persons or 59.50%. Most of insurance intermediaries had average monthly income between 15,001-30,000 bath amount 164 persons or 41.00% and non-life insurance broker license was the first time/expired amount 105 persons or 26.25%. According to the knowledge management of insurance intermediaries to intermediaries in overall was at the moderate level (gif.latex?\bar{x}  = 3.30). In considering aspects in relation to levels of knowledge management, the independent study was found that in descending order the aspects were at the moderate level as follows :  knowledge storage (gif.latex?\bar{x}  = 3.45) knowledge acquisition  (gif.latex?\bar{x}  = 3.36) knowledge creation (gif.latex?\bar{x}  = 3.31) knowledge transfer and utilization (gif.latex?\bar{x}  = 3.11).  2. The insurance intermediary who differed of educational displayed corresponding differences in knowledge management of insurance intermediaries with colleagues at the statistically significant level of 0.05.

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How to Cite
ศิริวงศ์ น., & ตันเสนีย์ ป. (2019). Knowledge Management of Insurance Intermediaries in Thailand. Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(1), 12–22. retrieved from
Research Articles


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