The Study and Design Development of Jewelry Prototype in Sukothai Contemporary Style

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ศศนันท์ ศรีเพ็ชรพันธุ์
จิราพร รอดคุ้ม


The study and design development of the jewelry prototype design in the Sukhothai contemporary style has brought the creative works in the Sukhothai technique combine with the natural patterns to create a style for prototypes in jewelry. The research is a study about the Sukhothai jewelry style including information from interviewing the entrepreneurs and experts in the area of Srichadchanalai district. In addition, this research has studied for the guidelines from the work of 3 designers who were inspired by Thai arts and culture. The design guidelines are making jewelry prototypes that are arranged in the form of applied geometry with bead necklace used in the design through the forming technique, patterning, stencil, and enamel. According to the pattern of the Sukhothai goldsmith that the results found the geometry pattern has been arranged in a bead has received the highest satisfaction score of 34 points. From the discussion, the entrepreneurs and experts want a contemporary design with the development of the original style of the Sukhothai to expand the customer base. In the section of the design, the result was demonstrated by the creation of 2 prototypes of jewelry that use different techniques of hot and cold enamel to create the colors and decorative patterns, which are patterns that use hot enamel technique making the prototype by applying the pattern of the vine into the ornament. Finally, the prototype jewelry using cold enamel technique have experimented with gold plating and using floral patterns leaves from nature integrate with the work to present contemporary style.

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ศรีเพ็ชรพันธุ์ ศ., & รอดคุ้ม จ. (2019). The Study and Design Development of Jewelry Prototype in Sukothai Contemporary Style. Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(1), 46–59. Retrieved from
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