Work Life Quality of Workers Graduating from Vocational Education

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ธิติมา พลับพลึง


This study was a qualitative research to study the factors for decision to study, life during the study, and work life quality of workers graduating from vocational education by using in-depth interviews. The correspondents were 11 workers who graduated from vocational education. The information was analyzed by using triangulation and content analysis. It was found that there were 3 forces before making the decision to study in vocational education, which were self-inspiration, support from parents, and persuasion from friends. Life during their study was happy with income from the job during the study, immediate job after graduation with income, and the ability to study until completing a bachelors degree that can lead to good work life quality and job satisfaction. Therefore, vocational institutions should use satisfaction or happiness in work of the alumni for a period after they graduate as a quality assurance index for the education of an institution.

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How to Cite
พลับพลึง ธ. (2019). Work Life Quality of Workers Graduating from Vocational Education. Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(1), 60–78. Retrieved from
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