The Impact of Logistics Development on Community in Kanchanaburi Province: A Case Study of Dawei Deep Sea Port and Industrial Estate Project
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This research aims to study the impact of logistics development on communities in Kanchanaburi Province. It is a case study of the Deep Sea Port Project and Dawei Industrial Estate. This research relies on both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. A questionnaire is used to collect data from a sample of 400 people. The impacts studied are classified as economic impacts, social and cultural aspects, environment and the development of logistics systems. The study shows that a part of the community area was developed to be an industrial and commercial area for logistics and transportation with the amount of 64% increase. There is an expansion of the real estate industry business to accommodate the migration from labor with the amount 26 %. It also results in the area expansion of production of consumer products with the amount of 6.2% increase and other industries with the amount of 3.8% increase. The size of the land holdings of the household groups does not change much but there are some changes in the economy related to the occupation of people in the area. The main occupation which is agriculture changes to a career related to a consumer industry. It is expected that the number of work sources will increase in urban areas causing people in the area to have more incomes. At the same time, the community is concerned about the rising cost of living. This results in saving less money, the increasing crime problems and the problem of foreign labor that may be smuggled into Thailand.
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