The Suitable Health Fitness Center for The Urban Society

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สุดหล้า เหมือนเดช
น้ำฝน เสนางคนิกร
เนรัญชลา กำไลทอง
ภัทราวดี เสารอง


The Qualified Health Fitness Center for The Urban Society analyzes the suitability of the fitness center for the urban population's health. Bangkok area was selected to study and the questionnaires consisting of two groups of stakeholders: 400 customers of the fitness center and 17 experts in health sciences and sports were used to gather the data.
For demographic factors, it was found that most of the respondents are between 21-30 years of age, completed a bachelor’s degree, work for a private company, earns an average salary of 20,000-30,000 baht, attends fitness center 3-4 days per week, use the service from Monday to Friday, 1 -1.30 hours, and use the service from 4.00 - 6.00 PM.  The qualified fitness center should possess modern equipment, safety in service, adequate fitness equipment, and service from the users' aspect. From the experts' aspect, the qualified fitness center should have sufficient equipment, declare usage descriptor label and benefit from using the equipment, be in convenient transportation, have enough parking lots, have staff to take care of, have a security system, clearly state the rules, etiquette, and regulations. Moreover, the experts recommend that government agencies regularly check the fitness center's performance, not get too many members, and charge at least 1,500 baht but not over 8,000 baht per month. The results of the willingness study show that the sample is highest willing to pay service fee of lower 1,000 baht per month (100%), 1,001-3,000 baht per month (80%), 3,001-6,000 baht (35%), 6,001- 10,000 baht (9.5%), 10,001-15,000 baht (1.5%), 15,001-21,000 baht (0.5%), and if the service fee is over 21,000 baht, there is no willingness to pay for the service.

Keywords:  Health Fitness Center, Urban society,  Suitable

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How to Cite
เหมือนเดช ส. ., เสนางคนิกร น., กำไลทอง เ. ., & เสารอง ภ. (2021). The Suitable Health Fitness Center for The Urban Society. Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(2), 70–81. Retrieved from
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