The Patterns of an Occupational Standard and Professional Qualifications: Case Study of Fashion Design in Thailand

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naphat Yosyingyong
ณัฐพร ยิ่งยงวัฒนกุล
กฤษณา คงเลิศยศ
ปรุฬห์ลภย์ พฤกษ์โสภี
สิรัชชา สำลีทอง


This qualitative research aimed to develop occupational standards and measure the professional qualification of fashion designers in Thailand.  The focus group was Thai fashion designers of 3 levels who were assessed according to occupational standards and professional qualifications by using the 5-levels standard measurement. The process was 1) drafting the pattern of the occupational standard by analyzing roles and creating duty diagrams 2) publicizing and certifying the occupational standard 3) drafting the professional qualification and classifying by roles and capabilities. 4) publicizing and certifying the professional qualification standard      5) assessing individuals into fashion designers of 1-3 levels 6) evaluating the appropriateness of the occupational standard and the professional qualification of fashion designers in 7 components. The results showed that the development of occupational standards of fashion designers consisted of 1 goal, 4 roles, 12 duties, and 50 capabilities. The professional qualification of fashion designers was divided by the sequence of duties that were clothing fashion designers in level 1-6, leather fashion designers in level 1-6, and fashion stylists in level 2-4. The conclusion of the clothing fashion designer assessment revealed that 10 samples of level 1 passed with 100%, 10 samples of level 2 passed with 100%, and 10 samples of level 3 passed with 90%. The appropriateness of the occupational standard and the professional qualification of fashion designers was at a high level with an average of 3.75 and a standard deviation of 0.81; that could be applied to use.

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How to Cite
Yosyingyong, naphat, ยิ่งยงวัฒนกุล ณ. ., คงเลิศยศ ก., พฤกษ์โสภี ป., & สำลีทอง ส. . (2022). The Patterns of an Occupational Standard and Professional Qualifications: Case Study of Fashion Design in Thailand. Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(1), ึ71–85. Retrieved from
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