Stress and Emotional Quotient of Students in Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin

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ปวีณา ชัยวนารมย์
สุมาลี ศรีชัยสวัสดิ์
กัลยา รัตนศิวะ
บวร เครือรัตน์


The main objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between stress and the emotional quotient of students in three main subject groups of Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin. The process began with the selection of a sample group from 360 students in three main subject groups, namely social sciences, technology, and design. The instruments of this study were questionnaires composed of 1) stress test and 2) emotional intelligence screening test. The collected data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and Pearson’s product-moment correlation. The research results showed that 1) Most of the students had mild stress. The group of technology students had the least stress compared to the other two subject groups. 2) Most of the students had normal emotional intelligence. The technology student group showed the highest levels of emotional intelligence. The design student’s group had the largest number of lower levels of emotional intelligence compared to the other two subject groups. 3) Stress was negatively correlated with all dimensions of emotional quotient. The increase in stress had the greatest impact on the emotional quotient in a good dimension of the social sciences student group. Moreover, stress had the least impact on the emotional quotient in a smart and happy dimension of the design student group.

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ชัยวนารมย์ ป., ศรีชัยสวัสดิ์ ส., รัตนศิวะ ก., & เครือรัตน์ บ. . (2022). Stress and Emotional Quotient of Students in Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin. Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(1), 33–45. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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