The Logistics and Supply Chain Management of Herbal for Community Enterprise: Case Study of Don Tum District, Nakhon Pathom Province

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อุทัย แก้วกลม
เนรัญชลา กำไลทอง
น้ำฝน เสนางคนิกร


The purpose of this study is to measure the efficiency of the logistics and supply chain management of herbal goods in Don Tum, Nakhon Pathom community enterprise. A questionnaire was used to gather the data. The data were analyzed by measuring efficiency using a model based on a supply chain operation. The result of the study shows that the average purchase of raw materials is 5 days at a time on the planning side. The average amount of raw materials in the stockpile is 15,250 kilograms, and the lead time for purchasing is 4 days per time. For the production side, the processing period is 10 kilograms per hour and the production capacity is 6,300 kilograms per month. For the logistics side, it has been discovered that the delivery time after placing an order is 5 days per order, with a delivery fee of 20 baht per kilogram, and a return rate of 8.30 percent. The result of the study suggests that the community research group should develop operational models. Encouraging the production and processing of herbs into more efficient products will increase income generation and is widely accepted by both domestic and foreign consumers.

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How to Cite
แก้วกลม อ., กำไลทอง เ., & เสนางคนิกร น. (2022). The Logistics and Supply Chain Management of Herbal for Community Enterprise: Case Study of Don Tum District, Nakhon Pathom Province. Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(2), 16–25. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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