The Condition and The Physical Characteristics of Public Rest-Houses (Salaklanghon) in the Sathingphra Peninsula

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กาญจน์ เพียรเจริญ


The objective of this research was to investigate the condition and the physical characteristics of public rest-houses (Salaklanghon) in the Sathingphra peninsula. Field data were collected by using interviews, observations, and taking photos of public rest-houses seen during 2016-2020. The data were analyzed, compiled, and presented in a descriptive analysis form. The results of the study can be summarized as follows: There are currently 157 public rest-houses (Salaklanghon) in the Sathingphra peninsula. 122 of them are in good condition and 35 are in disrepair. The characteristics of public rest-houses are divided into 3 main components: the base, the middle, and the upper parts. The sizes of the public rest-houses considered by the number of pillars were found that the smallest public rest-houses have 4 pillars, the most common size has 9-12 pillars and the largest has 30 pillars. The characteristics of the public rest-houses are mostly an open hall building, raised floor with a low basement. The floor of the public rest-houses may be elevated to two or three levels with partial walls. As for the roof, there are both gable and hipped shapes. Roofing materials include clay, cement, and zinc tiles. The public rest-houses have a wooden structure that uses wood from palm trees, which the villagers call it "Mai Node". The logging methods of the public rest-houses are different. Some houses use nails or screws in wood jointing, while others use notching or drilling wood and inserting wooden latches or dowels instead.

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How to Cite
เพียรเจริญ ก. (2022). The Condition and The Physical Characteristics of Public Rest-Houses (Salaklanghon) in the Sathingphra Peninsula. Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(2), 44–59. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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