The Development 3D Computer Animation to Promote Health Care on Nutrition of School-aged Children

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วิธวัฒน์ สุขสาเกษ
มณีกาญจน์ เย็นฉ่ำ
เอกราช วรสมุทรปราการ


The purposes of this research are: 1) to design and develop 3D animation to promote health care on the nutrition of school-age children and 2) to assess the performance of 3D animation media. The population used in the research is 500 students from elementary and middle school students of Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University. The sample in this study is from the accidental sampling method and the number of sample students is 30. The research tools are: 1) the animation media to promote health care on the nutrition of school-aged children. 2) the questionnaires of expert opinions analyzed for consistency of animation media design. 3) the animation performance evaluation form for experts on contents and designs of animation media and 4) the satisfaction evaluation form for animation media. The statistics used for data analysis are mean, and standard deviation. The results of the research showed that the 3D animation production was 3.56 minutes long. The evaluation results were as follows. The animation media design and performance evaluation results were appropriate. The evaluation results were at a good level and the satisfaction was also at a good level.

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How to Cite
สุขสาเกษ ว., เย็นฉ่ำ ม., & วรสมุทรปราการ เ. (2022). The Development 3D Computer Animation to Promote Health Care on Nutrition of School-aged Children. Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(2), 80–92. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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