Willingness to Disclose Personal Information Through Commercial Banking Applications in Bangkok Metropolitan Region

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ธนวัฒน์ กิมาพร
ดารารัตน์ สุขแก้ว


The purpose of this research is to identify factors that affect the level of willingness to disclose information of service users through commercial banking applications. The conceptual framework of this research is based on the framework of Privacy Calculus. A simple random sampling technique was applied to select 409 commercial banking application users to answer the self-reported questionnaire. Data were analyzed by Linear Regression model analysis. The results showed that factors affecting the level of willingness to disclose personal information of service users through commercial banking applications were disclosure value and trust in the system. It gave more importance to the disclosure value factor than the trust factor in the system because the benefits of disclosure led to risk tolerance and willingness to disclose personal information through commercial bank applications. 

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How to Cite
กิมาพร ธ. ., & สุขแก้ว ด. . (2022). Willingness to Disclose Personal Information Through Commercial Banking Applications in Bangkok Metropolitan Region. Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(3), 42–52. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RJSH/article/view/262909
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