Women's Images in Fashion Magazines of the United States and Taiwan: A Cross-Cultural Instruction Lesson Plan

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Ying-Ying Chien
Ying-Hsuan Lee


Young people are greatly influenced by pop culture, with magazines serving as one of the primary sources of text and images. The purpose of the research is to learn how pop culture portrays women in society, and to compare popular magazines in Taiwan and the United States from the perspectives of media symbolism, gender studies, and cross-cultural studies, to analyze the looks and language symbols in these magazines, to investigate how the media reproduce the images of women in both places, and to develop a cross-cultural teaching program appropriate for overseas Chinese students.

This research will develop an intercultural communication and media literacy curriculum for intermediate- to advanced-level Chinese heritage students in US schools. The lesson plan will use popular magazines from Taiwan and the US as a medium and be divided into three tiers to assist students in developing cross-cultural and media literacy skills from the ground up: (1) Using the Taiwanese magazine Bella to introduce Chinese learners to the representation of women in the Chinese context and compare it to Vogue US to help students analyze differences and cultural contexts; (2) Using real-world examples from popular culture to explain how the media employs words and images to define the appearance of women and older women as well as how myths pervade society through the media; and (3) Promoting healthy self-esteem and media literacy among students. In order to help students developing media literacy, this project integrates popular culture with realistic resources to improve students' understanding of other cultures.

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How to Cite
Chien, Y.-Y. ., & Lee, Y.-H. . (2022). Women’s Images in Fashion Magazines of the United States and Taiwan: A Cross-Cultural Instruction Lesson Plan. Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(3), 81–96. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RJSH/article/view/262922
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