Fashion Product Design from Saket Silk at Roi-Et Province

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พิมพ์อัปสร นุชนนทรี
สุภาพร ตาไข
ชฎาพร จันทร์พันธ์
อ้อยใจ เลิศล้ำ
รวินพัทธ์ กีรติพัฒน์ธำรง


The objectives of this research are 1) to design fashion products from Saket Silk at Roi-Et Province and 2) to evaluate the satisfaction of samples on fashion products from Saket Silk at Roi-Et Province. The data was collected from documents, textbooks and related research and satisfaction was assessed by surveying a sample of 101 people using a satisfaction assessment form. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results showed that the Saket Silk is a fabric made up of five traditional local Mudmee patterns woven together. These patterns include Khom Chet, Naga Noi, Khong Eia, Kham Pao, and Mak Jub. Each pattern is separated by a fabric colored with the Inthanin Bok flower, which is the provincial flower of Roi Et. The color, texture, and outlines of the cotyledons, petals, and Iinthanin Bok fruits were analyzed to inform the design concept. The clothing style is feminine, and the color group includes Classic Rose, Pink Lavender, and Razzmic Berry. Evaluation results of satisfaction towards the design of fashion products from Saket Silk at Roi-Et Province found that most of the samples were between 40-45 years of age (42.60%), the self-employed (31.40%), the monthly incomes below 15,000 baht (28.70%) and the sample group was the bachelor's degree (66.30%). The sample group was most satisfied with the design of fashion products from Saket Silk at Roi Et Province outfit 6 (mean=4.42, S.D.= 0.72), followed by outfit 5 (mean=4.34, S.D.=0.77), and outfit 2 (mean=4.33, S.D.=0.68).

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นุชนนทรี พ. ., ตาไข ส. ., จันทร์พันธ์ ช. ., เลิศล้ำ อ. ., & กีรติพัฒน์ธำรง ร. . (2023). Fashion Product Design from Saket Silk at Roi-Et Province. Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(1), 15–33. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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