Break-Even Point Analysis for Education Management on Curriculum of Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin into Industry 4.0

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ปฐมพงษ์ ฤกษ์สมผุส
กุลปวีณ์ สมานทอง
สัมพันธุ์ จันทร์ดี
ดารารัตน์ สุขแก้ว


The purposes of this research are to (1) study the total unit cost of the curriculum according to case studies from different programs, (2) analyze the break-even point of the Faculty of Industry and Technology, synthesize the trends of the total break-even point and put it into practice, (3) identify information for education management of curriculum according to break-even point toward Industry 4.0 by using the calculation methods of net total unit costs, total fixed costs, and total variable costs. The standard techniques were used to calculate, analyze, and synthesize the appropriate break-even point. According to the research results, (1) it was found that the programs with the highest and the lowest percentages of net total unit costs were Information Technology Program (19.55%) and Mass Communication Technology Program (14.05%), respectively, (2) the percentage calculation of the total break-even point of the faculty based on the change of the ratio of total fixed and total variable costs illustrated that the case study ratios were 10%:90%, 15%:85%, and 20%:80% with average student budget was 178 baht, as a result, the total number of students at break-even point was equivalent. It can be observed that before the break-even point (Loss) is reached, the fixed cost increases and the average variable cost decreases, there is a tendency for the number of students at the break-even point to be decreased. On the other hand, after the break-even point (Profit) is reached, the fixed cost increases and the average variable cost decreases. There is a tendency for the number of students at the break-even point to be increased, (3) the Faculty could greatly control well-fixed costs and could to be lead its curriculums namely Production Engineering Technology Program and Mass Communication Technology Program toward the S-Curve Industry group. The total unit cost of the two programs was comparatively lower than other programs within the same academic year.

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How to Cite
ฤกษ์สมผุส ป. ., สมานทอง ก. ., จันทร์ดี ส. ., & สุขแก้ว ด. . . (2023). Break-Even Point Analysis for Education Management on Curriculum of Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin into Industry 4.0. Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(1), 34–48. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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