Comparison of First-year Students' Academic Achievement Between On-Site and Online Gems and Jewelry Preparation Activities

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akadath thisupakorn
Sayomphoo Hanpakdeesakul


The purposes of this study are 1) to evaluate first-year students' preparation activities and compare their online and on-site accomplishments in gems and jewelry learning, 2) to investigate the effectiveness of gems and jewelry preparation processes, aiming to achieve the 80/80 criterion for effectiveness, and 3) to research the effectiveness index of first-year students who participated in gems and jewelry-making activities. The sample group consisted of 28 first-year students from the Faculty of Gems at the Burapha University Chanthaburi Campus. The study encompasses two primary research tools: knowledge dissemination mediums for readiness in the field of gems and ornaments, and assessment questionnaires aimed at juxtaposing the efficacy of various learning outcomes. The preparation activities for gems and jewelry were categorized into four groups: 1) general understanding of gems and jewelry, 2) instruments for gem analysis, 3) metals frequently used in jewelry making, and 4) diamond grading. The study's findings showed that 1) There was a significant difference in the achievement levels of activities related to gems and jewelry preparation; on-site performance was higher than online performance, with statistical significance level of 0.05. 2) The efficiency of preparatory efforts was 86.9/93.2, surpassing the benchmark efficiency of 80/80. 3) First-year students engaging in gems and jewelry preparation activities demonstrated an efficacy value of 0.85.

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How to Cite
thisupakorn, akadath, & Hanpakdeesakul, S. . (2023). Comparison of First-year Students’ Academic Achievement Between On-Site and Online Gems and Jewelry Preparation Activities. Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(2), 47–59. Retrieved from
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