The Loyalty of Consumers to Revisit Premium Coffee Shops in Bangkok Metropolitan Region

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Sarawut Toanun
Dararat Sukkaew


The objectives of this study are (1) to identify the factors influencing consumer satisfaction with premium coffee shop services in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region and (2) to determine the factors that impact consumers' decisions to revisit premium coffee shop services in the same region. The conceptual framework of this research is based on the conceptual framework of American Customer Satisfaction Index, Electronic word-of-mouth communication and Revisit. A simple random sampling technique was applied to select 404 from users of premium coffee shop services in order to answer the self-reported questionnaire. Data were analyzed using a Linear Regression model. The research findings are as follows: (1) Factors influencing the satisfaction level of consumers using premium coffee shop services include Image, Customer Expectation, Perceived Value, and Perceived Quality. (2) Factors affecting the decision to revisit premium coffee shop services place significant importance on Loyalty as a key factor. Therefore, a premium coffee shop business should strive to create a positive image to satisfy consumers. When consumers experience satisfaction and word-of-mouth, it results in positive feelings, prompting consumers to come back and use the service more frequently.

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How to Cite
Toanun, S., & Sukkaew, D. (2023). The Loyalty of Consumers to Revisit Premium Coffee Shops in Bangkok Metropolitan Region . Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(3), 41–53. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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