Comparing the Level of Satisfaction From Using Coffee Shop (Café) Services of Consumers for Utilitarian Versus Hedonic in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region

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Narumon Junwilai
Dararat Sukkaew


The purposes of this research are (1) to study the level of satisfaction based on the purpose of consumption in using coffee shop (café) in the Bangkok metropolitan region and (2) to study the satisfaction levels based on demographic characteristics in using coffee shop (café) services in the Bangkok metropolitan region. The research framework was based on customer satisfaction index model, employing simple random sampling to gather data from 409 users of coffee shop services (café) at gas station in the Bangkok metropolitan Region to do the questionnaire using binomial variable analysis to test the hypothesis. The research results showed that (1) regarding the factors influencing the level of satisfaction based on the purpose of consumption when using coffee shop (café), consumers prioritized hedonic motives and gave greater importance to all factors compared to utilitarian motives and  (2) regarding factors affecting satisfaction levels based on demographic characteristics in using coffee shop (café), consumers emphasized customer expectations, perceived quality, perceived value, image and customer satisfaction. Therefore, entrepreneurs should place significant emphasis on enhancing hedonic enjoyment. Additionally, Office of the Consumer Protection Board should prioritize safeguarding the benefits of consumers, encompassing product presentation, beautiful store decorations, a pleasant atmosphere, and accurate representation consistent with advertised images. Moreover, maintaining high product quality standards and fair pricing are essential for business success.

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How to Cite
Junwilai, N. ., & Sukkaew, D. . (2024). Comparing the Level of Satisfaction From Using Coffee Shop (Café) Services of Consumers for Utilitarian Versus Hedonic in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region . Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 6(1), 1–17. Retrieved from
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