The Important Elements of the Student - Centered Learning Process in Seminar in Police Administration

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Pitsarn Phanwattana


The aim of this research is to explore two aspects: 1) the general connection between sharing experiences, creating knowledge, giving presentations, taking action, and the learning process, and 2) how these activities affect learning. This study utilized a quantitative approach, employing questionnaires to gather data from 58 police cadets. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics and path analysis. The results of the study addressed the first research objective. Most students agreed that the exchange of experiences, joint knowledge creation, and presentations are crucial for the learning process. Additionally, it was observed that the exchange of experience had the most direct influence on the learning process, followed by action, knowledge creation, and presentation. Knowledge creation had the most indirect influence, followed by presentation, the exchange of experience, and action. Furthermore, the exchange of experience had the greatest total influence on the learning process, followed by presentation, the exchange of experience again, and action. In conclusion, this research highlights the significant elements of student-centered learning in seminars on police administration, emphasizing the importance of sharing experiences and creating knowledge.

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How to Cite
Phanwattana, P. (2024). The Important Elements of the Student - Centered Learning Process in Seminar in Police Administration. Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 6(1), 33–49. Retrieved from
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