
  • Dongdong QIN Sripatum University


euphemism,, offensive word,, language structure,, Thai language,, Chinese language.


                Euphemism is an integral part of the language, is an important linguistic and cultural phenomenon in human society. In order to avoid causing unnecessary misunderstandings, conflict, embarrassment, and guilt by using the relatively abstract, indirect method or the metaphor according to the different language communication scenarios. Euphemism help to establish a close relationship between cultural exchanges and cooperation between countries. Euphemism played an excellent effect. Because it is not only widely used in the daily life of language communication but also used in literary works and other works of art. So far, there are a lot of the use and research results of Chinese euphemism, but Chinese and Thai language, especially the comparative study of Chinese and Thai Euphemism field, is relatively rare.

               Finally, through the comparison and comparative study of Chinese and Thai Euphemism, we found that it has the same euphemistic expression and different ways of expression - such as physiological and social euphemism in Chinese and Thai euphemism. They have the same euphemistic expressions, and with religion, royalty or gay-related euphemisms in Chinese and Thai euphemistic expressions have their unique euphemistic expressions. Also, politeness, taboos, innovation, avoid vulgarly, and self-protection is an essential component of the causes of Chinese and Thai euphemism.

Author Biography

Dongdong QIN, Sripatum University

วิทยาลัยนานาชาติ มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม


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