Business Model, Industrial Medical TourismAbstract
This article was aimed at studying approaches for developing a business model of medical tourism organizations in Thailand, a case study of industrial medical tourism: hotel hospital and travel agent. The researcher reviewed the literature influencing the new business model development in organizations in Thailand and found 6 factors affecting the organization including: 1) Antifragile Business Model, 2) Robust Business Model, 3) Digital Business Model, 4) Adaptive Business Model, 5) Aided Business Model, and 6) Innovative Business Model. The core of the six factors above was the business model supposed to be innovation applying rapidly developed technology, having new methods of operation that have never been implemented before, or being pioneering organizations that dared to think and act within the industry and integrated the core values of the organization to increase the potential of generating income, increasing sales, attracting customers, and attracting investors in the future.
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