
  • ณัฏฐพัชร มณีโรจน์ Srinakharinwirot University


destination image, service quality, satisfaction, behavioral intention, traditional Chinese market, Ban Chak Ngaeo


                This research aims to identify level of destination image, service quality, satisfaction and behavioral intention. Additionally, it also identifies the relationship between destination image, service quality, satisfaction and behavioral intention of the tourists who traveled to the traditional Chinese market place in Ban Chak Ngaeo in Chonburi, Thailand. Questionnaire was used as a research tool. Reliability of the questionnaire is equal to .884, according to 5 - level rating scales. The sample was 383 tourists who has travelled to the traditional Chinese market place in Ban Chak Ngaeo in Chonburi, Thailand. In order to determine the level of variables and inferential statistics, the data was analyzed by descriptive statistics including means and standard deviation. The researcher used the Pearson correlation analysis to examine the relationship between variables. The results indicated that the variables of destination image, service quality, satisfaction and behavioral intention of the tourists who traveled to the traditional Chinese market place are in the highest level. The analytical of relationship between the variable of satisfaction: service quality and behavioral intention of the tourist are on the high level and in statistical significance level of .05. This research presented the level of relationship among variables between the destination image and behavioral intention of the tourist is in the positive correlation with the statistical significance level of .05.


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