Trend of the Hotel Industry in 2030

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Anirut Jaroensuk


This academic article aims to explore and analyze the direction of the hotel industry in 2030. The scope of the study includes the sustainability and environmental responsibility of hotel industry, technological advancements in the hotel industry, changes in guest expectations, and challenges within the hotel industry. The methodology involves a literature review from various sources such as books, theses, research papers, academic articles, and internet searches. The analysis is conducted to forecast the future direction of the hotel industry, providing hoteliers with insights to adapt, develop their businesses, and increase profits. Through a comprehensive review of literature and current industry data analysis, the study examines key factors likely to shape the hotel industry over the next decade. The findings indicate that sustainability and environmental responsibility will become increasingly important in the hotel industry, driven by the growing demand for sustainable tourism. Hotels will need to enhance resource efficiency and reduce carbon emissions and waste to be environmentally friendly. Future technological advancements will help hotels improve operational efficiency and better ensure customer security and privacy. Changes in guest expectations are expected to be influenced by technology social changes and increased environmental awareness. The future hotel industry faces several challenges that require effective adaptation and resolution. These challenges arise from technological advancements social changes and economic and environmental factors.

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How to Cite
Jaroensuk, A. (2024). Trend of the Hotel Industry in 2030. Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok Social Science Journal, 13(1), 48–58. Retrieved from
Academic Article
Author Biography

Anirut Jaroensuk, Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok

Department of Innovation in Tourism and Hotel, Faculty of Liberal Arts


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