A Study on Chinese Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Students Majoring in Chinese at Rangsit University

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Phisitthaphat Panyarew Thongpleaw
Nuttha Bunthanatheerachot
Chutima Phutong
Parada Rattanapinyopast


The objectives of this study are to investigate the Chinese vocabulary learning strategies employed by the undergraduate students majoring in Chinese at Rangsit University as well as to improve the quality of Chinese language teaching and learning based upon the results of this study. This study employed quantitative research methods. The sample size was specified by the quota sampling method. The instrument used was 220 questionnaires. The statistics used in the data analysis included percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The results of the study revealed that the target group generally employed Chinese vocabulary learning strategies at a high level. When considering the vocabulary learning strategies in each category, it was discovered that the target group employed the metacognitive strategies with the highest frequency, 3.81, and the knowledge and comprehension strategies with the lowest frequency, 3.33. Furthermore, it was also found that the metacognitive strategies and the compensation strategies were considered the two most important vocabulary learning strategies, respectively.

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How to Cite
Thongpleaw , P. P., Bunthanatheerachot, N., Phutong , C., & Rattanapinyopast, P. . (2022). A Study on Chinese Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Students Majoring in Chinese at Rangsit University. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 24(2), 93–106. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hspbruacthjournal/article/view/262587
Research Article


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