The ethics development in young childhood with starting point at home in Thai society context

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อุษา แตงทอง


Most of Thai family decreases into the nuclear family which is the elementary family consisting two parents and one children (one or more) combined with the economic and social condition which affects parents for struggle working in pressure situation caused the children face the solitary moments. Furthermore, some parents have the incorrect values and expectation toward their children which can causes them to those psychological problems including with depression.  The young childhood is the kids in the period from 3 to 5 years old. This period of their life is very important which means if any kids can be received well taught and developed, they will have good fundament kids in long run. The development process for this young childhood are composed of 4 aspects which are body, emotion, society, and wisdom.   The ethics development shall need to be treated along with the 4 aspects development by linking the ethics to blend with each of those developing aspects.  Ethics means the excellent behavior and pureness which focus on the value that come from the best act. Planning for developing the ethics in young childhood by parents can be guided as follows;

  1. Being good example to children in the issue of well think, well speak, and well act.

  2. Giving love and compassion through eyes, act, and speak.

  3. Communicating and treating towards children by respecting and honoring.

  4. Teaching the children to know how to be a good human, duty, discipline and fear of making sin.

The ethics development in young childhood needs to start from parents by being good example for them. Also, the parents should not have the high expectation, and always give love & concern. Moreover, being the true friendship for the kids is very important, in the meantime, parents should focus on the wisdom for making decision and solving the problems.


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How to Cite
แตงทอง อ. (2020). The ethics development in young childhood with starting point at home in Thai society context. RBRU Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (online), 1(1), 76–88. Retrieved from


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