Elephant Symbol in Aarchitectural Works in Bangkok, Thailand: Several Suggestions for Ho Chi Minh City to Associate Traditional Cultural Value with Modern Urban Architecture. Elephant Symbol in Aarchitectural Works in Bangkok, Thailand: Several Suggestions for Ho Chi Minh City to Associate Traditional Cultural Value with Modern Urban Architecture.

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Jirayoot Seemung
Phan Thi Hong Xuan
Vo Minh Truc


For a long time, elephants have been associated with Thai people in both tangible and intangible cultures. In the unique urban architecture of Bangkok, Thailand, there are many public buildings inspired by the elephant symbol. From the perspective of symbolic anthropology, the authors explore several outstanding architectures in Bangkok and analyze the meaning of elephants in Thai culture and introduce some public buildings in Bangkok, Thailand related to the elephant symbol, and in the final part, the article givies some suggestions for Ho Chi Minh City to build and embellish the public architectural works associated with traditional cultural values.

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How to Cite
Seemung, J., Phan, H. X. ., & Vo , M. T. (2022). Elephant Symbol in Aarchitectural Works in Bangkok, Thailand: Several Suggestions for Ho Chi Minh City to Associate Traditional Cultural Value with Modern Urban Architecture.: Elephant Symbol in Aarchitectural Works in Bangkok, Thailand: Several Suggestions for Ho Chi Minh City to Associate Traditional Cultural Value with Modern Urban Architecture. RBRU Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (online), 2(2), 1–12. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/husorbrujournal/article/view/255688


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