มาตรการทางกฎหมายเกี่ยวกับการจัดการฟุตบอลอาชีพ: ศึกษาเปรียบเทียบกฎหมายไทยและต่างประเทศ

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อภิชัย มานิตยกุล


                Football is a very popular sport in Thailand and can be transformed into a professional sport that generates revenue and business returns. One part of professional football management is to put the legal measures to help manage. This is because the management of professional football requires the interaction of individuals or agencies in many parts. In the management of professional football in many countries that have developed in the field of professional football management at the present, it is found that all legal measures are used as part of management. The structure of the legal system used may vary depending on the context of the society, the legal system and the culture of the country.

At present, Thailand has established a law on professional sports management to be enforced specifically as the "Professional Sports Promotion Act BE 2556", which applies to professional football management in many parts. However, due to the fact that there is a legal provision for the management of professional sports is a new issue for sports management in Thailand. Therefore, the study of the legal framework for professional football management in some high-level professional football management countries in comparison with Thailand is considered useful for defining legal guidelines for Thailand's professional football management continues to be effective.

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บทความวิชาการ (Academic Article)


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