Public Service Motivation and Community Participation Behavior of Citizens: A Chinese Study
Public service motivation, citizen community participation, community governanceAbstract
Citizen community participation (CCP) is affected by multiple factors. However, little research has been conducted in this area from the perspective of public service motivation (PSM). This study presents a model exploring the effects of public service motivation on citizen community participation. Based on survey of 269 residents of Chongqing municipality in Western China, the hypotheses were tested with structural equation modeling. The results show that public service motivation has a significant positive influence on the community participation behaviors of citizens in three dimensions: attraction to public policymaking, compassion, and commitment to the public interest. It implies that public service motivation can be used by community staffs as an auxiliary measuring tool to select citizens as community volunteers and to encourage citizens with higher public service motivation to positively participate in community activities and play a leading role. Moreover, the government can improve relevant conditions to promote community participation and to raise the level of community participation as a whole.
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