Factors Affecting the Training Transfer of Civil Servants: The Case of Mongolia


  • Tumentsogtoo Tumendemberel


transfer of training, individual characteristics, training design, work environment, learning


The purpose of this article is to examine causal relationships among factors that affect the transfer of training. A mixed methods approach was used, which included quantitative and qualitative methods. The fi ndings indicate that positive transfer happens in conjunction with individual characteristics, training design, and work environment. Based on the fi ndings and limitations of this study, the following recommendations should be considered in relation to the future training of civil servants and the development of Mongolia. First, in order to enhance the positive transfer of training, training should be developed systematically and operate as a partnership among stakeholders. Secondly, pre- and post-training evaluation is needed to look for change in how well learners have mastered the skills and knowledge. Finally, organizations can maximize their return-on-investment with regard to training and implement value-creating strategies through effective transfer of training by considering all three determinants.


