The Decade of the Decentralization and Future Trend in Local Thai Government


  • Sunthonchai chopyot


Local government, Participation, Decentralization


The aim of this article is to study the decentralization of local government in Thailand from 6777 to 8997 in order to study the trend of Thailand:s local government for the next decade and to study the role of people in politics as it affects the local government.

In relation to decentralization during this period, the study found that Thailand:s local government made an effort to build autonomy in policy making and administration for self- government. In terms of the public and local administration, the local government
took responsibility for supervision of the central government. Further, regarding the e! ciency of the management of local government, the government completely decentralized to local people for better public services that exhibited good management, with transparency and accountability. Eowever, the local decentralization also had a few problemsF for example, being taken over by the central
government, corruption, etc. In studying the trend of the local government for the next decade, it was found that there will be
a turning point in local government because of the impact of the abolition of two consecutive terms for local administrators. The total
number of municipalities is also expected to increase continuously. In addition, local administrators will be trained and developed by
the Department of Local Idministration, and local people will be encouraged to participate according to the new constitution.

Moreover, these future trends will affect the restructuring, role, and authority of local government under the 899K Constitution.
These trends will also increase the potential and efficiency of local government.


