Safety and Health Measures for Employees


  • Chindalak Vadhanasindhu


Safety, Health, Occupational Health, Legal Measures, Managerial Measures


This article proposes measures for the safety and health of employees in two major components: legal measures and measures enforced by management. In terms of legal measures, the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 of the United States will be considered. This Act stipulates safety and health standards, as well as provides for workplace inspections, rights and responsibilities of the employer, investigations and recording of accidents, and the establishment of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Given that no such specific laws exist in Thailand, reliance is placed on the Labor Protection Act B.E. 2541 (1998), which created the Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Committee, responsible for occupational safety and health matters, along with the duty to propose policies, plans, and measures to the Minister of Labor for promulgation as Ministerial Regulations and Rules, determination of the roles and duties of Labor Inspectors, and the obligations of employers.

As for the managerial perspective, the measures the International Labor Organization, particularly the major components, including policies, organizational management, determination and implementation of plans, and evaluation and improvements will be examined. In the United States, emphasis is placed on workplace safety management in terms of HIV/AIDS matters, workplace violence, protection of pregnant employees, management of hazardous chemicals and genetic testing, as well as safety and health planning. Occupational safety and health management in Thailand will be considered through the standards of management systems, focusing especially on Thai Industrial Standard (TIS) 18000. This Standard incorporates the investigation into the original status of the workplace, occupational safety and health policies, planning for the implementation of, and compliance with, such policies, access to medical practitioners, as well as health, hygiene, and medical treatment.


