ความเสมอภาคในการจัดสรรเงินอุดหนุนให้เเก่องค์กรปกครองส่วนท้องถิ่น (อปท): การวิเคราะห์ตรวจสอบความเหลื่อมล้ำเเละการเเสวงหาทางออก


  • อุดม ทุมโฆสิต


This study examines the inequality of the allocation of Thai local government grants, in the year 2004. This study utilizes quantitative survey questionnaires distributed throughout the country in 2004. The finding shows that:- (1) The allocation procedure of Thai local government grants was not conducted based on equality sheme, leading to an ongoing drastic inequality among TAO (Tambon Administrative Organization) and municipalities throughout the country. (2) There are three major factors an ongoing influencing the inequality including:- poverty, number of population, and the needs of local expenditures. According to these findings, the model for inequality improvement is suggested.


